Use of Total Station and Advantages

The instrument is installed on a tripod and is levelled by means of operating levelling screws. Within a smaller range instrument is capable of adjusting itself to the level position. Then vertical and horizontal reference directions are indexed using onboard keys. It may be possible to set required units for distance, temperature and pressure (FPS or perhaps SI). Surveyor can select description mode like fine, coarse, solitary or repeated. When target is usually sighted, horizontal and vertical angles in addition to sloping distances are measured and by pressing appropriate keys there're recorded along with point number. Heights of instrument and targets might be keyed in after measuring these individuals with tapes. Then processor computes various details about the point and displays about screen. This information is also stored from the electronic note book. At the finish of the day or anytime electronic note book is full, the information stored is delivered electronically to computers. The point data downloaded to the computer can be used for further processing. There are software like automotive civil and auto plotter clubbed with autocad that is used for plotting contours with any specified interval and for plotting cross-section along any chosen line.

Advantages of Using Total Stations

The following are a lot of the major advantages of using total station in the conventional surveying instruments:

1. Field work is executed very fast.
2. Accuracy of measurement is high.
3. Manual errors interested in reading and recording are eradicated.
4. Calculation of coordinates is very fast and accurate. Even corrections for temperature and pressure are usually automatically made.
5. Computers can be used for map making and plotting shape and cross-sections. Contour intervals and scales can be changed quickly. However, surveyor should check the working condition from the instruments before using. For this standard points might be located near survey office and before committing to instrument for field work, its working is checked by means of observing those standard points in the specified instrument station.


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