If we go for concrete work in general it is not a problem at all, but specially when cold weather comes on all of the sudden. To handle the cold, have everything you will need on hand and review the following pointers:

Frozen ground-NEVER place concrete upon frozen ground or onto snow or snow. First, frozen ground will settle when it thaws, cracking the concrete. Second, when the ground is wintry, the concrete in contact with it will likely be cold and will set much more slowly. You can even obtain crusting, with the top area of the concrete set and the bottom still soft.
If the ground is frozen, you can unfreeze it using hydronic heat pipe joints and blankets (such as those from Ground Heaters), or electrical blankets (check out Power Blanket).
Remove all snow and snow in areas where concrete shall be placed. Also remove any standing water which may get mixed into the real.

Warm up anything that will are in contact with the concrete, including forms in addition to any embedments, to at very least 32°F. If it's not too cold so you cover everything with tarps the morning before the pour, it will continue dry and warm enough. Keep tools within your truck or trailer.
Be all set with blankets, even if you do not think it will get in which cold. Also consider whether you should have lights if the concrete pieces more slowly than expected and also the winter sun sets just as you're finally wanting to start finishing.


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