Recycling Crusher Dust Crusher

         Recycling where possible Crusher Dust Crusher dust could be the by-product of crushing of rock to get coarse aggregates/jelly for concrete. The disposal in this dust is a serious the environmental problem. If it is possible to use this crusher dust in manufacturing of concrete and mortar through partial or full replacement connected with natural sand, then this will not only save the money necessary for construction but while doing so it will solve the problem of disposal on the crushed dust. The researchers have reported that replacement of natural sand along with crusher dust results into reduction in workability and this can be compensated by using chemical admixtures.

The particular test results reveal:
1. Replacement of natural sand by crusher dust just isn't detrimental upto 50%.
2. Concrete with 100% crusher dust can be used with greater precaution. In such concrete durability requirement just isn't met in stipulated 28 days. However, incorporating fly ash can boost the durability characteristics.
3. Combination of crusher dust and fly ash is beneficial in cost and durability facets.


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