
Well-dispersed nanoparticies increase the viscosity of the liquid phase, which helps to suspend the cement grains and aggregates, which, in turn, improves the segregation resistance and workability of the system.
Nanoparticies fill the voids between cement grains, which results in immobilization of free water (filler effect).
Well-dispersed nanoparticies act as centers of crystallization of the cement hydrates, which accelerates the hydration.
Nanoparticies favor the fomiation of small-sized crystals (such as calcium hydroxide)
Nanosilica participates in the pozzolanic reactions, which results in the consumption of calcium hydroxide and formation of an additional C-S-H.
Nanoparticies improve the structure of the aggregate contact zone, which results in better bond between aggregates and cement paste.
Nanoprticles improve the toughness, shear, tensile strength and (lexural strength of concrete.


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