Repair works in Concrete

To begin with we will learn when structural repair for concrete structure is necessary. The aims of structural repair are to deliver safety to structures, repairing structural defects and bring structure into a stable condition to resist concrete floor member from further deterioration. They are done by increasing stiffness along with strength of structure and protecting against intrusion of deteriorating agents for you to structures to restrict further hardship. Sometimes increasing of aesthetical appearance is also a objective of structural repair.

The repair options are chosen based on the deteriorated conditions of structure and level of increment of strength and stiffness of deteriorated structure. We are providing some methods of repair of concrete structure. These types of options may, individually or combination greater than one, be adopted for these kinds of purposes. These are:

Replacing broken concrete roof after passivating corroded metallic
1. Patch repair.

2. Grouting technique of crack repair.

3. Replacing concrete which might be structurally weak.

4. Replacing delaminated and/or spalled concrete floor.

5. Replacing carbonated concrete around steel reinforcement.

6. Passivating and cleaning steel reinforcement which might be corroded Cracked concrete pavement required repair

7. Re-alkalising carbonated concrete floor.

8. Removing chlorides by electro-chemical process from chloride deteriorated concrete

9. Any methods of water proofing or providing protecting coating.

10. Jacketing to offer protection against corrosion.

11. Supplying concrete overlays by later revised or low to highly smooth overlays of concrete.


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