Properties of Good Timbers

Colour: It should be uniform.

Aroma: It should be pleasant when cut freshly.

Soundness: A distinct ringing sound when struck implies the timber is good.

Surface: Texture of good timber is okay and even.

Grains: In good timber grains are close.

Thickness: Higher the density stronger is the timber.

Hardness: Harder timbers tend to be strong and durable.

Warping: Good timber tend not to warp under changing environmental circumstances.

Toughness: Timber should be competent at resisting shock loads.

Abrasion: Good timber tend not to deteriorate due to wear. This property must be looked into, if timber shall be used for flooring.

Strength: Timber needs to have high strength in bending, shear as well as direct compression.

Modulus of Firmness: Timber with higher modulus connected with elasticity are preferred in structure.

Fire resistance: A good timber needs to have high resistance to fire.

Permeability: Good timber has low water permeability.

Workability: Timber must be easily workable. It should definitely not clog the saw.

Durability: Good timber is one that is capable of resisting your action of fungi and insect pests attack
Defects: Good timber is exempt from defects like dead knots, shakes as well as cracks.


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