f_ct=  Compressive strength of concrete at transfer
f_cw  = Compressive strength of concrete at service load
f_ck  = Compressive strength of concrete
g     = Dead load
M_g  = Dead load bending moment
b_e   = Maximum bending moment due to live load
V_A   = live load shear force
V_g   = Dead load shear force
M_q  = Live load bending moment
Z_b   = Sectional modulus
f_b    = Prestressing force
A     = Area
P      = load
e      = eccentricity
M_us = Flexural strength failure by crushing of steel
M_uc=  Flexural strength failure by crushing of concrete
V_u    = Ultimate shear strength
A_s   = area of steel
f_y    = Compressive strength of steel
τ_v    = Shear stress
S_v    = spacing
A_sc  = Area of steel at compression zone
A_st  = Area of steel at tension zone
P_u   = Factored load
T    = Tension


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