Soil types of the area are more important, since it is the main criteria in the agricultural production and in the recharge of ground water .Different types of soils are derived from a wide range of geological formation .knowledge about the types of soils, their extent and occurrence is of primary importance for agricultural planning to maximize production and for the ground water recharge. A soil map of Ariyalur district based on the surveys conducted by soil testing laboratory three types of soils which are furnished as follows in
i. Alluvial soil
ii. Red loam soil
iii. Black soil
Various types of cropping pattern are practiced in different parts of ariyalur district, depending upon the soil characteristics.


Geomorphology maps help to identify the various geomorphic units and groundwater occurrence in each unit. Selected and limited field checks are carried out in the field to verify the different geomorphic units.
An overall appraisal of ground water occurrence in each geomorphic unit and the significance of its hydro geological characters are furnished with groundwater potential. Even though the groundwater potential zones are demarcated based on subsequent field checks, the present extraction of ground water has to be taken into consideration before implementing further groundwater schemes. Coleroon River is flowing on the south of the district and the vellar river is flowing on the north of the district. Alluvium is deposited on the northern and southern side of the rivers and occurs as alluvial plain.


Integrated remote sensing and GIS can provide the appropriate platform for convergent analysis of diverse data sets for decision making in groundwater management and planning. A geographic information system (GIS) is also known as geospatial information system. It is a system for capturing, storing, analyzing and managing data and associated attributes which are spatially referenced to the Earth. GIS is used for spatial modelling of rainfall runoff and to prepare the data for model input, to assign effective parameters to each cell systematically, to allocate recharge and pumping rates to each grid cell, to visually compare the simulated and measured heads, to display the model results such as hydraulic heads, flow vectors and water quality contours. The GIS is used for preparing the spatial maps for the analysis puposes.


Well-dispersed nanoparticies increase the viscosity of the liquid phase, which helps to suspend the cement grains and aggregates, which, in turn, improves the segregation resistance and workability of the system.
Nanoparticies fill the voids between cement grains, which results in immobilization of free water (filler effect).
Well-dispersed nanoparticies act as centers of crystallization of the cement hydrates, which accelerates the hydration.
Nanoparticies favor the fomiation of small-sized crystals (such as calcium hydroxide)
Nanosilica participates in the pozzolanic reactions, which results in the consumption of calcium hydroxide and formation of an additional C-S-H.
Nanoparticies improve the structure of the aggregate contact zone, which results in better bond between aggregates and cement paste.
Nanoprticles improve the toughness, shear, tensile strength and (lexural strength of concrete.


Electrospinning is a unique approach using electrostatic forces to produce fine fibers. Electrostatic precipitators and pesticide sprayers are many of the well known applications that work exactly like the electrospinning technique. Electrospun fibers have small pore size and high expanse. There is also evidence of sizable static charges in the electrospun fibers that is effectively handled to produce three-dimensional houses. The apparatus used for electrospinning is straightforward in construction which includes a high voltage electric source having positive or negative polarity, a syringe pump with capillaries or tubes to cart the solution from the syringe or pipette towards the spinnerette and a conducting enthusiast. The collector can be made of any shape in line with the requirements like flat plate, spinning drum, etc. The schematic with the electrospinning process is shown with figure. Many researchers have used the apparatus exactly like the one shown in figure 1 with modifications depending on process conditions to spin numerous fine fibers.

Polymer solution or the melt that should be spun is forced through a syringe pump in order to create a pendant drop of polymer with the tip of the capillary as well as syringe needle. High voltage is placed on the polymer solution inside the syringe by using a connected electrode thereby inducing free charges in to the polymer solution. These charged ions transfer response to the applied electric field towards electrode of opposite polarity thereby transferring tensile forces towards the polymer liquid. At the tip with the capillary, the pendant hemispherical polymer drop swallows a cone like projection in the presence of electric field. And, when the applied potential reaches a critical value that is required to overcome the surface tension with the liquid, a jet of liquid is ejected on the cone tip.

Future Prospect:

Future developments of nanotechnologies in textiles can have a two¬fold focus:
1) replacing existing functions ind performances of textile materials;
2) developing smart and intelligent textiles with unheard of functions.
The latter is more urgent on the standpoint of homeland security and also advancement of technology. The new functions with textiles for being developed include
1) wearable photovoltaic cell and energy storage;
2) sensors and information acquisition and move;
3) multiple and sophisticated security and detection
4) health-care and also wound healing functions;
5) self-cleaning and also repairing functions.
Undoubtedly, Nanotechnology holds an enormously promising future regarding textiles. It s estimated that nanotechnology provides about hundreds of billions dollars of market have an effect on new materials within a decade; textile certainly has an important share in his material market place. We expect to see a fresh horizon of textile materials underneath this irresistible technology wave.


Titanium dioxide itself doesn't have toxicity to microbe and the cell. Only after the irradiation of light for instance fluorescent or UV light, normal mineral Ti02 activates its one of a kind photo catalytic properties. In the presence of light and humid inside air, titanium dioxide oxidizes, converts complex organic molecules into water and co2 fractional laser. Photo catalytic power of titanium dioxide productively destroys bacteria cell's wall and it is membrane, and reacts with cell's parts, which inhibits bacteria's activity and ultimately results in the death and decomposition of bacteria, thus eliminating bad odours created by a living or decomposing bacteria plus reduces risk of bacteria spread.

The increase in patents over the last decade indicates a huge curiosity, especially from Japan and Europe, in the application of Ti02 seeing that photocatalyst in buildmu materials
Regarding the reduction of air pollution on account of traffic in urban areas, the application on pavement surfaces or around the building surfaces in cementations supplies gives optimal solutions. To boost the efficiency of the photocatalyst, its presence at the surface of the material is crucial. It really needs to be accessible by sunlight to be activated. Consequently, the pollutant really needs to be absorbed on the surface and oxidized or reduced to some less harmful element. The goal is to have the maximum amount of TiC>2 as possible at the surface of the material, without the risk of loosing it by abrasion or maybe weathering. Up till now, by far the most efficient way to apply the TiC>2 is within a thin layer cementations substance, which is placed on the counter. Application in concrete tiles is actually therefore very suitable: the TiOa is usually added to the weathering coating. If the layer is somewhat used, new Ti02-particles will exist at the surface.

Other applications are located in architectural concrete. The use of white cement with TiCh at the surface of buildings and construction attribute to the durability of the visual area of the building. Due to the photocatalytic action, the whiteness of the building will remain and dirt will be washed away more easily due to hydrophilic properties or will be decomposed.


The mixing of nano silica throughout concrete physics, chemistry and new nanotechnology advances, the challenge has been fulfilled. Lab tests and production tests proved the nano silica did not ruin (because its state), but it also produced better results than small silica, and a litre bottle on the product was equivalent to a barrel packed with micro silica, extra cement along with super plasticizing additives. Silica (SiCte) is present in conventional concrete included in the normal mix. However, one on the advancements made by the study of concrete at the nanoscale is that particle packing in concrete may be improved by using nano-silica which leads to your densifying of the micro and nanostructure resulting in improved mechanical properties. Nano-silica addition to cement based materials can also control the degradation of the primary C-S-H (calcium-silicatehydrate) reaction of concrete due to calcium leaching in water together with block water penetration and therefore lead to improvements in durability. Related to be able to improved particle packing, high electricity milling of ordinary Portland concrete (OPC) clinker and standard crushed stone, produces a greater particle size diminution regarding conventional OPC and, as a result, the compressive strength of the refined material can also be 3 to 6 times better (at different ages).

Fly ash not simply improves concrete durability, strength along with, importantly for sustainability, reduces the necessity for cement, however, the curing process of tangible is slowed by the addition connected with fly ash and early phase strength is also low compared to normal concrete. With the addition of SiCh nanoparticles section of the cement is replaced but the density and strength on the fly-ash concrete improves particularly in the early stages. Research into hematite (Fe20;, ) nanoparticles added to concrete indicates that they also increase strength together with offering the benefit of monitoring stress levels from the measurement of section electrical level of resistance.

Because of its innovation your nano silica was tested for over a year in the world's biggest subterranean copper mine to prove its long lasting characteristics. Cuore concrete takes care on the environment, the concrete and your operators' health. It is the very first nano product that replaced your micro sihca. Cuore concrete surpassed the anticipations of its design and gave concrete not simply the high initial and final resistance and also, plasticity, impermeability, minor final charge of work, and cement savings up to 40%. Also, it lowered the amounts of environmental contamination
In high compressive benefits concretes (H-70), Cuore concrete is 88% more efficient than micro silica, added to be able to concrete and super plasticizers. ( With an average 9, 43 Kg. connected with Cuore concrete Nanosilica, 73Kg. of all the others additives are used).

The cone test shows which it preserves the cone shape for several hour, (with a relation connected with H2O/Cement=0. 5, adding 0. 5% of Nano silica on the metric volume of the concrete used, it conserved a its circle form of 60 cm lor two a long time, with a lost of solely 5%). The nano silica has a plasticity that was compared to the pohcarboxilate technologies. Therefore the use of tremendous plasticizing additives is unnecessary.
High workability along with reduced water/concrete levels, for case: 0, 2.
Easy homogenization. The reduction of mixing times allows concrete plants to increase their production
Depending on the cement as well as the formulations used for concrete (tests through value H-30 to H-70), shows that the material provides compressive benefits between 15 MPa and 75 MPa at 1 day; 40 MPa and 90 MPa on 28 days and 48 MPa along with 120 MPa at 120 days to weeks.
Nano silica fully complies with ISO 14001 regulations concerning the environment and health. It preserves operators on the danger of being contaminated with silicosis and isn't going to contaminate the environment.
It successfully passed all the tests and since the start of this year it is being commercialized in different parts of the world.